All three gospels record the denial of Christ by Peter but
only Mark says before the rooster crows twice you will deny me three
times. The other three say that “before the rooster crows” you will deny me
three times. I’m not sure that makes a lot of difference but it was a thought
that was brought on by the rooster that crows here in Nakuru, Kenya. However,
this rooster crows at odd times of the night and morning.
Usually roosters crow at daybreak. So we assume that the
rooster crowed at daybreak on the morning of Peter’s denial. If the rooster
there was anything like the rooster in Peter’s day it could have been at 2 AM
in the morning. That was the pattern when we first got here in Nakuru. Nellie
has a rooster that crows whenever it feels so inclined to crow. And yes, it
crows several times at night and through the morning hours as well.
Abba and Amma said that it probably knew we were new to the
house (we’ve been here before) and so it was welcoming us. Good try but I know
better I believe. I believe it was reminding us that we were here for the Lord
and not our own plans or desires. This is perfectly fine with me. I have gotten
used to the rooster crowing now and I don’t hear it when I am suppose to be
sleeping. I hear it at about 5:30 when Beatie starts the pump and that’s ok
because I need to get up and get moving soon after that.
There are roosters back in the village. They seem to do
better at keeping time than this rooster. Sunrise is an appropriate time to
crow. I don’t think I was as aware of them as I am this one. This one stays in
a garage all the time. He lives in a cage. Maybe he is disgruntled about the living
arrangements. I would be. So I guess I shouldn’t be too hard on him about the
crowing. His hip or legs probably get cramped like mine and he is just showing
his disapproval and discomfort from time to time.
Sometimes it’s a rooster. Sometimes it’s your spouse. Other
times it’s a friend or even a stranger. He can use difficult times and boring
times to give us a wakeup call. Whatever the case may be, He does call us up to
a higher place with him. To walk a higher walk: to be careful about the way we
walk in this life He has given us.
Lately he has been working on me and my methods of
communication. Emails are not my strong points. Chat seems to be very
frustrating. Phone calls work so far. I’m not sure how God is going to help me
in those areas or if he is intending to. What he has given me so far is a wakeup
call. Let’s call it “The Rooster Crows”. I have a way of writing and texting
and chatting that does not fulfill the needs of others or me in the line of
communication. I no longer have a FaceBook account and I am being careful about
who I chat with.
My recent failure at email has been a double-header, maybe
even a triple with my friends and brothers in Christ. I sincerely hope that God’s
grace can fill them up for the lack in me. I really love them and want them to
be able to communicate with me via letters and chat often. I am sure God will
find me a way through all this bungling of words. Thank God for spell check. It
would be ten times worse if it were not for that. None-the-less, I am praying
that this post will not confuse anyone and be plainly speaking to hearts that
need a wakeup call from God.
Why do I say that? Because I believe each and every one of
us needs a wakeup call from time to time. The rooster crows and we may be
sleeping through it. God may be trying to get our attention and we are not paying
attention. We may be too busy living our own lives, filled with our own dreams
and desires to hear Him.
So I leave you with this. Pay attention to the circumstances
around you. Things happen for a reason. Maybe you are being sloppy about the
way you are living your life, maybe you are caught up in some fleshly desire
that is occupying all your time you should be using for God. Movies, music,
eating out, video games, consumption of elements that alter your thinking or
other things that just plain waste your time away from accomplishing the living
of God’s life. Pay attention.
A good exercise for a week or so would be to write down what
you spend your time doing and how much of that time is consumed with that
activity. It can give you a heads up on where you are at with your thinking and
doing. If that doesn’t seem practical, ask your friends, housemates, spouse or
kids what they think you do the most. Things are more real when you look
through the eyes of others. Don’t be afraid to take a good look and let God
wake you up to some things.
OK, I have to go now. I hear the Rooster Crowing again. Time
to post this and remind you that I am asking for your prayers and input. May God bless you and give you His rest.
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